In 2021 coffee producers all over the world expertly turned ripe cherries into green beans full of potential. We roasted 22,907kg of these green beans, resulting in 19,772kg of brown beans. We moved locations, roasted off-site, and gradually re-established a routine.
Thanks for coming along with us.
-Philipp, Laurel & David

Value Chain Glossary
A short explanation of some coffee-industry terms that will help you understand our report

Green Coffee Purchases: Interactive Map
Please click on the map pins to view the coffees that we purchased and roasted in 2021. You’ll find the same numbers listed in our transparency spreadsheet, alongside some more detailed information about the people who grew this coffee, and the unique contexts that influence their cost of production. Understanding the labour involved in coffee production and who performs this labour is equally as important as FOB and Farmgate prices. Our aim with this map is to illustrate the amount of work involved in producing each cup of coffees, and why each coffee costs what it does.

Green Coffee Purchases: Table & Graphs
To view statistics for all coffees roasted by Vote in 2021 (including price paid to farmer, FOB, EXW and wholesale prices). Prices are in EUR/kg and USD/lb. Any currency conversion was done at the point of sale, or based on the average exchange rate for 2021.

Cost of Production
If we are showcasing prices along the supply chain, it's also our responsibility to share our numbers. Here we break down what it costs us to produce a kilogram of roasted coffee.