Cost of Production 2021

Profit Analysis
As mentioned in the introduction to this report, we do not make the same margin on every kilogram of coffee sold. Sometimes we lower our margins in order to make core coffees more accessible, sometimes we are able to increase the margin on high-performing coffees in order to compensate for lower margins elsewhere. Occasionally, when coffee quality is compromised, we lower prices in order to ensure that the coffee is sold fairly.

Timor Leste Floods: Raw Material Urgent Appeal
Following devastating floods in the Emera region of Timor-Leste in April 2021, Raw Material launched an appeal to help fund the repair and rebuild operation. The Koileki Natural coffee that we sold in summer of 2021 is grown and processed in this region.
We donated 1€ from every 250g retail bag of Koileki coffee sold, and 2€ from each of these collaboration packs.
Pure Hands : Yemen
In December 2021 we were lucky enough to roast a beautiful coffee produced in Wadi Al-maa, Yemen.
We donated 2€ from every retail bag sold to Pure Hands, a U.S.-based non-profit organization that work in education, food distribution, and medical assistance in Yemen. The hospital system is under extreme pressure due to a violent civil war, famine and covid. The donation will be spent towards providing medicine, medical equipment, and PPE to hospitals and healthcare facilities.
You can read more about the coffee and Pure Hands here.