HEUTE Blend Adjustments

HEUTE Blend Adjustments

It’s the time of the year again we’re making a slight adjustment to the Heute Blend. Our goal is as always to keep this blend as consistent as possible in terms of solubility, flavour profile and overall balance. At the same time we’re faced with the challenge of coffee being a seasonal product. 

The tension between ensuring a consistent supply of our favourite blend components and the reality of green coffee ageing as the year goes on (and sometimes prematurely dropping in quality) is very real. At the same time, estimating Berlin’s coffee consumption months into the future and committing to specific green coffee volumes, makes it challenging and exciting to put together the portfolio for the year. We’re so thankful for all of you who consistently order, to keep the coffee moving and us busy!

“Huila Norte”  is one of the coffees we’re saying goodbye to. Our exporting partner in Colombia, “Azahar”, introduced us to this tasty washed regional blend. For a lot of the producers they’re working with, harvest has happened later than usual this year, and we weren’t able to buy from them just yet. We’re looking forward to seeing what we can source in the future!

We have a few sacks of the delicious natural Ethiopian “Kabira” left, after which we will transition to a washed Ehtiopian Grade 2 from one of our favourite producers, Mustefa Abekano, called “Beshasha” (some of you might remember this coffee from previous seasons!). It’s about to be loaded onto the vessel at origin and should be here soon.

Flavour wise this means the Heute Blend will have a touch less acidity and a little more sweetness and body. “Cafeina Women’s Group” will remain the unchanged base of the blend, so overall the difference will be a subtle one.

We’re very much looking forward to you trying this new version of Heute and please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any feedback or questions you might have.

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